
Our Story

See our feature in the Natural Parent Magazine!


Shiv & Teddy

In 2022, my baby Teddy was born and I stumbled across Bub & Bear during one of my pregnancy insomnia scrolls through Instagram and loved what I saw! I ordered almost everything on the site and when the products arrived I loved that they were beautifully soft, made from 100% cotton (breathable fabric that was easy to wash) and they had cute designs on the neutral white cloth – a Bub & Bear signature detail! Once Teddy arrived and we started using them, the Bub & Bear products very quickly became a staple in our household.

When Teddy was three months old the opportunity to take over Bub & Bear came about and I knew it was right for me. My love for the products was there as a customer, the name had bear in it – the same as my little Teddy – and I developed a strong rapport with Naina (the owner) as we went through the sale and purchase process. It was a quick turnaround, all done within 10 days and even though Teddy was very young and I was still figuring things out as a new mum, I just knew it was right for us.

I am a High School Commerce Teacher and absolutely love my job! Owning a business while on maternity leave was not really in my plans, but it has been an exciting challenge to be able to practice some of what I preach to my students - determination, seizing opportunity, passion for my product and giving back to the community.

Teddy was born early via emergency caesarean due to placenta complications and my having Type-2 diabetes. He spent his first few days in NICU at Auckland Hospital and it was extremely heart-breaking for his Dad and I to watch him battle through his complications. The Doctors and particularly his Nurses did an amazing job at keeping Teddy comfortable and well looked after and he is now a bright and thriving toddler. We as parents learnt that nothing is more important than quality hospital resourcing and comfort for our son and by continuing to donate a portion of proceeds from every sale to Starship, we as the Bub & Bear community can help other families going through that terrible time.

My goal with Bub & Bear is to help mama and papa bears provide the best for their children, with high quality and well-priced baby products. As Teddy and I grow on our journey together and our needs change and evolve, so will Bub & Bear which is an exciting prospect! I am grateful for all our fabulous mama and papa bears and love to see us growing on this journey with our bubs together!

Bear hugs,  

Shiv & Teddy.




 How Bub & Bear started – Naina’s story

Being a first-time mum, I wanted to do everything right, and give my baby the best I could.

I however had never really been around any other babies and didn't know anything about them! 

I had seen photos of new-born babies wrapped like burritos and thought they looked cute, but didn't give it much thought.

During her visit, my mother brought me a basket of organic baby products. All natural and time-tested. 

I was hooked.

The organic cotton muslin products were beautiful, soft and breathable.

I felt a sense of pride when I wrapped my baby in one of the swaddle sheets.

She was cosy and comfortable - and she looked adorable!

After a bath, I would pat her dry with a thicker muslin washcloth.

After a feed when she wouldn't burp, I would throw one of the burp cloths over my shoulder and walk up and down my living room, gently patting her, till I heard that melodious sound (its crazy how a burp becomes music to our ears - no one enjoys trapped gas!)

I would throw one of the sheets on to the carpet when it was tummy time or play time or story time or look-at-yourself-in-the-mirror time or try-sitting-or-standing-with-assistance time.

When she fell asleep on me, I would drape the sheet on her.

When we went out for a walk with her in the stroller, and the sun was in her eyes, I used it to protect her.

When we were out and I needed to nurse, but felt insecure, I used it to protect myself.

I am absolutely passionate about my products and know the value they bring to a mama or papa, and their bub.

If you're here looking for muslin swaddle sheets for your baby - you're doing an amazing job mama and papa. Lucky baby!

If you are here to buy something special for a mama and baby - how amazing are you!


I hope you enjoy these products as much as I do <3
